Friday, May 15, 2009

the khmer contribution

the khmer contribution
By Troy Harris
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THESE NOTES reflect a twofold motive. My initial concern in taking up this study was to locate what, if any Brāhmano-sindhu-yogic cultural markers may have existed in early Cambodian society. Secondly, I wanted to know what, if any of these cultural markers might be traced (a) to the process of formation of Siamese-Thai culture in general, and (b) to the highly refined philosophy-based yogic technology of the Siamese-Khmer brāhman saint Guru Chod (1900-1988) in particular, mainly in the sense that the philo-ascetico-yogic components and principles discerned might signify the presence of pertinent self-referential archeological antecedents. I therefore needed to pay academic homage to the ancient Brāhmanical culture of the Khmer, on the supposition that familiarization with this overlooked epic would provide me with a given set of access tools for examining and harvesting the unexplored richness at the interstices of its tropic domains, generically cordoned as Brāhman, Bauddha and Yoga.

21.10.05 | Permalink

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