Buddhism - Three Dimensions 3/6
I would like to continue with the three levels of Buddhism. Actually the term 'three dimensions' is more appropriate as these three dimensions evolve together in our society without qualifying which dimension is better than the other.
The philosophical dimension stands firmly on the mind function. We use our mind to acquire knowledge about Buddhism through learning at school, reading book, listening to others, through older generation, through monks, etc. From this knowledge we form in our mind a concept of Buddhism. This kind of knowledge is called sutta maya panha. In this dimension, we see Buddhism from our worldview or personal judgement. It can be contentious when we exchange our personal view about Buddhism with other people as they have their own understanding, worldview or judgement different from us. In fact, there is no truth in there, but the mind believes what they know is true (illusion). The mind always suspects what they don't know as untrue (turtle talks about earth outside of the water, fish says no, the world is only water as far as fish knows - Leang's story).
The mind is very clever, it forms the logic as to develop or interpret thing. The material life that is growing up to now is the product of mind function. The mind uses the preliminary knowledge as we said earlier to relate, interpret, create theory, law, and produce something new to satisfy human needs. This is another kind of knowledge called chenta maya panha as I explained to Leang. Knowledge and experience about Buddhism are acquired in a similar way as we learn everything in our life. The mind uses logic as a vehicle to interpret, develop new concepts from what we learn/know. When talking about Buddhism economics, Buddhism and Development (sorry, Chanthy), the role of Buddhism in conflict resolution, Buddhism and Democracy, etc. I am afraid that Gautama, the Buddha didn't know all these things or HE may have no intention to go that far. HIS definite purpose is the liberation from Dukkha, not these stuff. But people use Buddha as an instrument to create something new to satisfy their own needs.
This dimension is very relevant for our group as we are intellectuals. There is nothing wrong to keep talking, discussing, writing essay, writing book, make presentation, conference. We can make our living from these works or become famous as well. All these activities would gain more and more knowledge. But these knowledge have been blended Buddhism with our own mind. It is not purely Buddhism. It is important to be mindful about this.
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