Buddhism - Three dimensions 1/6
I am excited with your interest in Buddhism and the vast resources of knowledge on the topic in our group. I learn a lot from you and thank you for sharing. From your contribution and my knowledge, I try to put it into a structure. I found that our discussion centered well on philosophical and religious levels. However, it seems to me that we didn't touch the spiritual level yet.
The distinction of the three-level structure of Buddhism (philosophical, religious, and spiritual) would help us knowing what we are talking about and limit the confusion between different levels.
In the philosophical level, Chanthy, Sophal, Chanroeun, Leang and Mony make outstanding comments regarding what is the right teaching of Buddha and how it can be practiced in life, in our society. Other members make good questions about how it links to our daily life and economic development, including poverty reduction, conflict resolution, etc.
There are also many relevant complaints and frustrations about the degradation of Buddhist practice in Cambodia including recent Net Khai scandal. The discussion also covers the belief, fanaticism, the monk teaching and their practice, etc. These are the religious issues. At the religious level, Buddhism has it own set of principles and practice different from others. it has different groups or secs like Theravada, Mahayana, Dhammayut, Mahanikay, etc. In sum, it divides from one religion to another, from one group to another. These groups and sub-groups often conflict with each other. And it surprises us when we learn the fighting among religious group from time to time.
The spiritual level has no conflict, no boundary between religions, or group, sub-group of religion. Spiritual is universal. It connects one to another harmoniously, peacefully.
When Chanthy and Mony tell the famous story of a man stucks with an arrow in his chest, and conclude that he has to act now, or Chanty's words 'the Buddha is in yourself', there is question how to act now or to find Buddha in oneself. There are also common concerns about the accuracy of the Buddhist scripts. There will be no such a question at the spiritual level. Buddha gives the key to find the way to acquire the knowledge from your own experience. HE taught us 'don't believe or accept any dogma, teaching, words because it is said in the religious scripts, or said by an eminent person, you have to experience yourself what the truth is'. The key to get that truth is to practice Buddha technique of meditation called vipaassana. From that technique, you can experience yourself about anicca, samsara, and all illusion in our view (life). This experience or awareness or consciousness will change your life positively.
If you want to know all the truth go to the spiritual level. You will be independent from monks, monasteries, and other influences as you can practice Vipassana at home after you master its technique through a training from a qualified master. You won't need monastery or concern whose monk should you dealt with. You will enjoy your daily life like other people, but you are conscious of yourself gradually according to your level of practice. You will go to Pagoda, do religious ceremony like others, but at the different consciousness level. You will accumulate more loving kindness to people, your mind becomes clear, your decision will be sharp and efficient. You will have less conflicts in life and live happier - sure, you bring good deeds with you to the next life. It is easy and simple.
If you ask where to get training, please go to Phnom Trung Moan (BBang). After a 10-day course, you master the technique of Buddha meditation.
This is the first time I try to set the 3 levels of Buddhism and would like to learn from you if it is reasonable and useful.
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